Sunday, November 30, 2014

Adventures in Digital Painting

So... I have decided to revisit digital painting after so many previous pathetic attempts that involved throwing color onto a blank canvas haphazardly on Photoshop only to rage quit five minutes later. What you see above is my progress, which is much better than the note I was close to quitting on:

(Five minutes into painting.)

On a personal note, I really need to work on pushing through that hump of not being able to produce the masterpieces I envision in my mind within three brush strokes or less. I get so very demotivated by my imagined incompetence that I am nearing the hundreds in terms of how many times I have quit art. Tiiime. Patience! Things I do not have!!!

The subject herself is Sarah Brewer, a bitizen I have in my Tiny Tower that I have always imagined in my mind to look relatively coot. This is her:

I think I done good so far.

So yeah, that's what I'm doing right now. Now that I have formed somewhat of a human face, I really am enjoying painting. I love forming what is essentially "something out of nothing." Like shaping a person's face out of nothing but color; it's really cool. I have serious hopes to push past the frustrating beginnings of starting a piece a bit more often if this is how it feels afterwards.

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